💎 Ethereum

trace_filter RPC Method

Executes traces of all transactions on a given block range and returns only the ones that match the given filter. Parity Style.


  • Filter object [required]

    • fromBlock - The lower range of blocks to include

    • toBlock - The upper range of blocks to include

    • fromAddress - Sender addresses to filter for. MUST BE AN ARRAY.

    • toAddress - Recipient addresses to filter for. MUST BE AN ARRAY.

    • after - The offset trace number if doing a pagination

    • count - Number of traces to return if doing a pagination

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  • array - The list of trace objects. One per transaction in the block.

    • action - The action performed, parity style.

      • from - The sender address.

      • to - The receiver address.

      • callType - The type of the call, either call or delegatecall.

      • gas - The gas provided.

      • input - The input data of the action (transaction).

      • value - The amount of ETH sent in this action (transaction).

      • author - The author of this transaction, for some transaction types.

      • rewardType - The type of the reward, for reward transactions.

    • blockHash - The hash of the block where this action happened.

    • blockNumber - The number of the block where this action happened.

    • result - The result object, parity style.

      • gasUsed - The amount of gas used by this transaction.

      • output - The output of this transaction.

    • subtraces - The number of traces of internal transactions that happened during this transaction.

    • traceAddress - The trace addresses (array) where the call executed (every contract where code was executed).

    • transactionHash - The hash of the transaction being traced.

    • transactionPosition - The position of the transaction in the block.

    • type - The type of the transaction like call or create or reward.


POST https://<network>.chainnodes.org/YOUR-API-KEY



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  • HTTPS POST Request with a JSON RPC call in the body
  • Replace YOUR-API-KEY with the API key from your Chainnodes.org Dashboard
  • You can use a different supported network by replacing mainnet
curl https://mainnet.chainnodes.org/YOUR-API-KEY \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"method":"trace_filter","params":[{ "fromBlock": "0x1034163", "toBlock": "0x103416D", "fromAddresses": ["0x61c53fd4dadbc9666a990148003c3d5436767c9f"], "count": 1 }],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}'


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": [
            "action": {
                "from": "0x61c53fd4dadbc9666a990148003c3d5436767c9f",
                "callType": "call",
                "gas": "0x0",
                "input": "0x",
                "to": "0xa86309988947559b6e72ef716c5058f479386c0f",
                "value": "0x40fdf31f2e8840"
            "blockHash": "0x2594db83b08edb01aca8160b20b3100c41e2b5c3481384ec766ed22d3c1738a8",
            "blockNumber": 16990563,
            "result": {
                "gasUsed": "0x0",
                "output": "0x"
            "subtraces": 0,
            "traceAddress": [],
            "transactionHash": "0x8aed1b80773af213775f668be8419f45d875a83e9310fce24b431be1aff6045b",
            "transactionPosition": 0,
            "type": "call"